Race Equality Conversations & Toolkits

In this section you will find resources and materials to start the journey towards organisational change and to encourage positive conversations about race. It offers a wealth of available Action Plans and guidance on (or examples of) Education and Training initiatives to support a positive approach and which will help you to understand the issues (or difficulties) and how to address them.

The Standard Chartered Bank toolkit on “How to have conversations about race” gives a broad overview of terminology, framing conversations, wellbeing benefits and action plans to improve racial equality

The CIPD has published some outstanding materials for organisations, managers and HR which are a must read for those wanting to cut through the wealth of available Confidenti materials. The New Financial in their publication “Accelerating Black Inclusion Listening, Learning, and Taking Action to Improve Progression of Black Colleagues in Financial Services” provides great insight on how employees feel and what can be done and measured to improveaccess and progression in the workplace.

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City HR EDI Taskforce | Race Equality

Our Inspiring Journeys to Race Equality publication is here or please click through each cog to see highlights and resources by each topic.

The City HR Association established an EDI Taskforce to consider how we could help to improve equality, diversity and inclusion within the world of work.

Our initial focus is on race, given the recent heightened awareness around Black Lives Matter and racial inequality. Since May 2020 considerable work has been undertaken by the EDI Taskforce to research the tools and metrics which could help organisations to progress race equality.

Our aim is to signpost members to the best guides, toolkits, insights and methodologies to build organisation strategies and measure the progress to create a more diverse and inclusive culture.

Our vision is for a world where everyone can bring their whole selves to work without fear of discrimination and thrive in their environment. In this way, organisations can better serve their employees and wider stakeholders including customers, investors and communities through the advantages of diverse thinking and inclusive actions

The Taskforce have compiled a publication which navigates the tools to help organisations start and make progress with their journey, and explains how firms of different size and maturity might engage with the available charters, pledges and resources. It also considers the data required to understand the success of our journey and to be able to measure whether we are meeting both the organisation and employee aspirations in this regard.

Finally, we would like to draw your attention to Appendix 1 which sets out some suggestions across a three-tiered approach. Organisations must consider what they want to achieve, why it matters to them and then use this chapter as a guide to help them on their path to enlightened thinking and action.

Download Inspiring Journeys to Race Equality PDF

Charters & External Resources

In this section you will find navigation tools and resources to support your organisation as well as inspirational stories and insights from a cross-section of organisations (and associations) whose journeys have already begun.

There is also a whole chapter showcasing how to accelerate the journey through existing pledges and charters, including a high-level summary of the leading three charters and an alternative solution for smaller firms.

Click here to see information extracted from Inspiring Journeys to Race Equality

Measuring Effectiveness

In this section you will find information about how to use data to register milestones and measure progress. Focus has been placed on the assumption that each organisation is different and may require different guidance and tools at each stage of their journey and it is hoped that the three-tier approach developed in our publication will greatly assist.

The FSSC Inclusion Measurement Guide and the Investment Association and PwC Diversity Data Guide are particularly useful (both referenced in Chapter 2 of Inspiring Journeys to Race Equality).

Click here to see information extracted from Inspiring Journeys to Race Equality

Race Equality Conversations & Toolkits
City HR EDI Taskforce | Race Equality
Charters & External Resources
Measuring Effectiveness